Restorative Yoga
Calming relaxing restorative yoga classes in Nikki's yoga studio are due to commence soon, currently preparing a waiting list for Friday's 10am. Limited spaces available, place your name on the list today.
A lot of us lead lives where we are so busy each day that we end up having periods of total exhaustion. We have very few habits that encourage enough balance and relaxation on a day to day routine. Restorative yoga poses will teach you how. Relieve the effects of chronic stress. Each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions, a healthy spine enhances well-being. Also providing a simple inverted pose (such as legs up a wall), reverses the effects of gravity, this simple technique has dramatic effects. Because we sit or stand most of the day, blood and lymph fluids accumulate in the lower extremities. By simply changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body, and heart function is enhanced.
Come and join me on a beautifully calm, relaxing, medative, journey for an hour a week. Allowing your mind to calm, and your body to relax in poses for a longer period of time. This wil allow different areas to be targeted.